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Beliefs and Methodology (85 items)This foundation being what the worshippers hold as 'aqidah (creed) concerning Allah - the deity who is worshipped and who alone deserves to be worshipped - regarding His Dhat (Essence), His Names, His Attributes and His Actions ...
Contemporary Issues (36 items)A look at issues plaguing the modern Muslim world, and what Islamic scholars perceive as the solution ...
eBooks (16 items)A listing of complete Islamic books available for reading / downloading on this site ...
Fiqh and Sunnah (33 items)'Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak (d. 181H), one of the illustrious teachers of Imam al-Bukhari, said: "The isnad (chain) is part of the religion: had it not been for the isnad, whoever wished to would have said whatever he liked ... "
Hajj, 'Umrah and the Islamic Calendar (32 items)Sub-topics: The Hajj, Ramadhan, Muharram and Sha'ban
The word Hajj means, literally, travelling to a place for the sake of visit, and in the terminology of the Islamic Shari'ah, it implies travelling to Bayt-Allah (the House of Allah, one of the names of al-Ka'bah) to observe the necessary devotions ...
History of Islam (90 items)Iblis (Satan), the cause of his expulsion from Paradise, continued to beguile him and his children in an effort to have them thrown into the eternal hellfire. The battle between good and evil is continuous, but those who follow Allah's guidance and should fear nothing while those who disobey Allah and follow Iblis will be damned along with him ...
Jihad (11 items)'Ikrimah (a religious scholar) said: At first Muslims disliked it (Jihad), but later they loved it and said: "We listen and obey." And that is because the submission to the order to fight means hardship, but if the reward is made known it becomes to compare the hardship involved and its reward ...
Paradise, Hell and the Hereafter (5 items)It will be blown in the trumpets and all of the people in the heavens and the earth will faint away except whom Allah wills and then there will be a second blowing and they will stand up looking, and the people will ask that Allah should come to separate between the people ...
Purification of the Soul (112 items)Allah informs us of His coming and the earth will become enlightened with the light of Allah and that is because of the beauty of Allah and the completeness of His light and Allah gives the best of examples ...
Sisters' Section (21 items)The status of the Muslim woman in Islam is a very noble and lofty one, and her effect is very great in the life of every Muslim. Indeed, the Muslim woman is the initial teacher in the building of a righteous society ...
The Call of Islam (34 items) updated
Mankind and the universe were not created by accident or chance, but according to the plan of the Creator, who is known as Allah ... But most importantly, we have been told that Allah is unique - He has no partners, no sons or daughters, and no competitors, as so many other man-made religious systems have postulated ...
The Majestic Qur'an (31 items)If you ask what is the best method of tafsir (explaining the Qur'an), the answer is that the best way is to explain the Qur'an through the Qur'an. For, what the Qur'an alludes to at one place is explained at the other, and what it says in brief on one occasion is elaborated upon at the other ...